Many individuals cringe at the thought of doing extraordinary things. Many people believe great things are the pure reserve of some selected few, they strongly believe and do not waver at the limiting thought that they can also be among them that are highly classed and respected in their society. Well... If you are reading this, I believe it is because you have a genius waiting to be unleashed within you. Do not at this point stop, please read on as we proceed on a road to uniqueness and outstanding success in your society.

Maya Angelou wrote "One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous or honest". Why would you allow your genius to be defeated? Why would you not make good use of what you have in your hands? A stitch in time saves nine! You can make the difference you so much desire if only you are willing enough to step out with courage.

Start engaging your brain today, just as I started with myself. I would not be writing this if I did not overcome the fear of writing. Admittedly, we all have our fair share of fear of uncertainty, this should however not stop us from the person God created us to be. He made us to take dominion over everything he created, so the Holy Book made us know.

Let me share with you a little poem I wrote during one of those moments I felt like giving up. It was a day I thought could not go worse, such a time when your whole being is quaked from the inside out. I put pen to paper with no idea of really what to write, and look at what came out. Enjoy the poem but register the message in it....

It is so hard to say
So simple yet so hard
I hate it when I think of it
Seething and fuming, but it's all for nought

Who told me to start it out?
Who but myself deserve the scold?
Couldn't think of anything better
How could I, when I'm so warped in here

Had thought it a joke in its prime
Had though it would leave before the chime
Days after days it lingered on
Help, where and how would it come?

A stitch in time they say...
Wouldn't know the exact amount it would probably save
One thing I'd look forward to however is
That one day I'll look back and smile

It's been one hell of a ride
Bumping and bouncing, I thought it better to hide
No place like home the preachers say
And I hope, even against hope, that I see that day

At first glance it seemed well in place
Looking behind the drapes and you'll see for what it is
All in disarray, staring me in the face
Slyly I look out, but that changes nothing

A time in line when I look at me
A day such as this when I cry at me
Whoever wished this knew not what it meant
And one who loathes this felt not how it bit

What on earth is the message in all of this?
I hazard no guess as it appears in broad daylight
Though this may never make it to Broadway
It sure is, and would remain tagged - 
A truly torrid affair.

Wondering how a work of art could spring up from a truly torrid affair??? It is because it was residing in me. Something need to get it out, something needs to spur me on to write. You do not have to wait for messy situations to drive you up from your butt, stand up today armed with your willpower.

You Can If You Will!!!

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