McKinsey Future Forward Program

 Don't you ever get tired of enrolling for courses? When do you think you can get to that age where you say to yourself this stage of learning is enough learning? If you have ever had any of these questions run through your mind, then never mind, you are not alone.

Here I am today (literally the day you get to read this) keeping a record of my learning journey on yet another program I have enrolled for in the outgoing year 2021 and with this little sneak peek into the start of my Forward journey, I will be sharing with you two very important lessons I learnt.

I stumbled on the program from a friend's shared post on LinkedIn, and I was immediately interested to know what the program could bring. What value could I look to add if I take up such a program? Are there things I could learn that would make me, even more a person of substance? Needless to say, I copied the link and shared it with some of my people that I felt might also be interested. At this point, I should have shared it on my status. Lesson 1, the person you think needed that good thing may not be the only person in real need of it. Looking back now, some people might have benefitted if I shared it on my status (not like I share so many things on there anyway). 

I didn't enroll on day 1 in case you are asking. It took me to see it again on someone else's post on LinkedIn, then I went back to the URL I had shared and decided to apply. At first I had thought there would be more requirement, and almost discouraged myself to probably get back home to apply. This leads me to another lesson, Lesson 2. Never write yourself out of an equation you have not even tried to solve. You may end up on the losing side after all, but you would have given yourself the chance. I decided to even go ahead first, and then resume if any detail is required that I could not immediately provide. Alas, there was none. I submitted my application and received a mail that said they would get back to me in 2 weeks.

Here I am, Dec 17th and it is my second day of the start of the program. Attended the webinar today, and linked up with a handful of guys from Turkey (lol.... It just so happened that all of them were from Turkey - Istanbul). This here is a summary of the intro to my learning journey with McKinsey Future Forward Program.

No proprietary contents would be shared, only me capturing the essentials of those things I intend to imbibe as I move on into the future of work. Join me guys, cheer your guy on to victory! It's In You.

This is the most recent post.
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  1. Lesson 2. Never write yourself out of an equation you have not even tried to solve...spot on!!!

  2. Cheers to this future forward movements 🥂.

  3. Well done. What a terrific piece. I am inspired to keep learning and applying for those relevant courses to stay ahead in my career.

